They didn’t talk about these days.....
Just like they don’t talk about the days after you lose the weight and, now you are having to maintain.
Even better.... they don’t talk about the days after you give your life to Christ.
Some people tell you what to expect but, in reality not all do. After giving your life to the Lord it’s a new way of living and, it’s a battle that you have to fight every single day to try your very best to travel in the right direction. After losing weight it’s also a new way of living and a battle that you have to secretly fight with food. You may have to start counting your calories consistently or, develop a consistent routine of working out in order to keep the weight off.
We knew but, I don’t think we were ready for the hardships, the sacrifices, the work that it takes, and the fight that it takes to stay the course with your head held high and keep it going.
We were and are still extremely happy that Gabe is able to hear but, honestly Gabe isn’t. It’s been a pain to get him to wear the implant everyday. Every other week the maps (levels of hearing) were changing. We are just now reaching the map where he can hear us clearly.
Exciting right?!
We would have never thought that this would have brought more tears,
screams, you name it!
It’s been rough.
We would have never thought that this little piece of equipment could be such a tremendous joy but, also cause so much headache.
I truly believe that if you dedicate your life to the Lord that all obstacles are not yours but, His to carry. The opposite of this is to carry everything on your own which is not ideal. Unless you are the type that is looking for stress, anxiety, depression, and whatever else it may bring.
Each morning is a new day.
We may get a easy transition from Gabe not hearing to hearing or, you may get a crying/screaming fit.
I can’t back down.
I have to remain the course.
The more times he wears it.. the easier it gets for him to Adjust to a hearing world.
Our new life in Christ is not the easy road traveled. It was not meant to be. You Adjust to your new life because of your new found love for Him. It is the best Adjustment and, if you changed.. Truly changed... you do not care about what it takes for you to stay the course because life as you once knew it is not about what brings you glory but, about what brings Him glory!
It's the fight after the fight a constant fight.
As a wife and a mom I have absolutely never been so desperate for Christ. Honestly, a lot of my stress comes from trying to carry everything. I want to be the missing piece of the puzzle and, Jesus is the only one that can fill that void.
Learn from me... its not our battle to fight.
In due season His promises "God Willing" will prevail just like they already have.