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The Adventures of Gabe & Gabby

I am always questioned with, "What is it like to have twins?"

The twins are my first babies so, I really have no comparison to anything else. Having twins is a Whole lot of Fun but, also a Whole lot of work!

The advice that I would give to a mom whom is expecting multiples or, even a singleton would be:

1) Do NOT be a know it all!

When you humble yourself, only then is when you will you be able to walk in freedom. I wrote in one of my previous blogs about the twins being the first diapers that I had ever changed. Honestly, a NICU nurse in the hospital taught me and, that is completely okay! Throughout motherhood I have asked questions, joined multiple mom's of twins Facebook groups, reached out for advice, etc..!

I got out of my way.

2) Routine is an absolute must!

One kid, two kids, no kids.... We all need a routine. My husband laughs at me because I have the absolute same routine every single morning. It is also pretty similar with the babies. When they were newborns it was watching the clock for bottles every 2-4 hours, diaper changes, etc.. My husband and I had to literally take shifts. It was hard!

Now with toddlers things are different and bed time can definitely be a battle. Bed time is important. You need a break. My current situation includes possibly having a twin climbing the sofa and, one in the cabinet at the same time! I am on my feet from about 8am to 8pm. I once described it to someone like being in the paint of a basketball game with your hands up and waiting for the shot to be taken! Crazy Right?!

Yes, bed time was and STILL is work! It was not easy in the beginning. It was an absolute constant grind. I am thankful for the work that my husband and I put into it because from 8:30pm until 8:00am we have time for each other, the business, and my worship & coffee mornings.

3) Simply, Enjoy it!

Babies grow so fast and, I cannot believe that mine are almost two!

4) You can absolutely NOT do this on your own.

Some days get really hard. A village, yes, it is extremely important to have but, having Christ as your center is even better! Be the praying momma because truth is your babies are always watching.

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