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Kay, "Where's your nails?"

This morning was extremely tough. Maybe it's because of the accident... Maybe its due to Gabe's ct scan coming up this week.. Maybe its just because things are just piling up right now..

Usually, I am able to shake things pretty easy but not this morning.

I felt defeated, outworked, and just tired.

But I was reminded of these exact moments of emptiness and the power of God.

I was reminded to continue to stay the course.

God was there then and, He is still there now.

Absolutely nothing is too hard for my God.

I remember my mom telling me how my grandma had asked her "Where's your lipstick?" when she was dealing with my father's illness.

The saying: "Where's your lipstick?" means that no matter how bad things get.. don't lose yourself in the process. This saying stuck.

As I was sitting.. feeling empty, feeling tired, feeling defeated.. I remembered that I had some nails that my sister in-law had made for me a couple of weeks ago. Time had passed and things happened to where I had never had a chance to put them on.

But, this morning I did. I fixed my posture (even though I am extremely sore!), I put each individual nail on, lifted my head, smiled, and took a picture.

P.S. These nails are the absolutely best nails ever! They are quick, easy, and extremely easy to take off! My excuse was always I gotta change diapers or, I can't get my nails done because I lift weights and they would be damaged! If this sounds like you.. these are the nails for YOU!

Just message me and I will be more than happy to give you her information!

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