Have you every had those moments where you wanted to hold back the tears because God was so good and His presence was overwhelming?! What if I told you that the hardship that you are going through doesn't last forever?!
In the very toughest times, God remained the same... on the throne. Even in those crazy moments where I broke out in hives and just wanted to scream! God was always there.
Joke of the day:
"If Gabe and Gabby are crawling at 100 mph to a hot stove and they have four arms and four legs to your two arms and two legs.. which one do you grab first??"
The biggest thing lately has been adjusting. We are adjusting to our new home in Texas, Gabby is fully walking, Gabe said his first word "Uh-oh" in therapy, Gabby is repeating and following everything that we do, Gabe got approved for his new ears a few days ago, Mommy is doing boot camps and meal prepping for clients again, daddy is working in the house with us full-time, and of course our new last name is "Rich-ard"!
When transitioning, things can be pretty overwhelming but, there is so much beauty that comes from it. At first Gabby was making small, tiny steps, and then it transitioned into getting into things and following mommy everywhere. Its kind of like how our transition was to Texas. The hardest part of it was the actual leaving. I can guarantee you that when our minds were fully made up and, everything was finalized.. We tip toed our way (small, tiny steps) out of leaving the business, Alex leaving his job, and just the fact of moving away from what was our comfort zone.
When Gabby started walking she had to be encouraged over and over again to keep doing it. Same with Gabe.. The therapist had to continuously say the word "Uh oh" to encourage him to say it back. Gabby would fall down plenty of times and, we had to constantly encourage her to get back up and do it again. Gabe would look at the therapist and I crazy because sound is just a new thing for him but, we had to use our facial expressions to encourage him to say it back.
The moving part was absolutely scary and, sometimes I didn't feel as though we made the right decision. Time and time again someone would encourage us that we had made the best decision for our children.
Once a baby gets the confidence booster that is needed to get back up and do it again the next part is the running. They start getting into things, walking towards you, following you, etc.. Or, even in Gabe's case he will one day be talking so much that we will forget where we started.
We are at the part where we are running. We transitioned and, now we are adapting.
Gabe and Gabby, mommy's absolute beautiful babies, rode the waves with us. Sometimes I look at them and cannot believe that God trusted me with two!
Prayer works. Your thoughts, words of encouragement, and prayers have truly paved the way.
The absolute best part is that God is just getting started!