After finally putting the twins to sleep this evening I am able to finally say goodbye to the thing that has kept us stranded. For some this sounds absolutely crazy but, I feel as though this was the best thing that has ever happened to the world.
When the shutdown first happened everyone was in panic mode. People were out buying all of the toilet paper, paper towels, bread, and even formula! I mean the formula part practically scared me because the twins needed it. So, there I was in Super One grabbing all of the formula that I could get just because others were doing it also. But anyways....
The shutdown taught me a lot about how unnecessary certain things are, how creative you can actually be, and how loving people actually are. I mean.. I have never seen so many people and places take the time to give out FREE food to people that were actually in need! It was truly a beautiful sight to see!
I Thank God for a lot of things but, tonight I Thank God for this much needed break. I Thank God for the fun quarantine times and, even the boring quarantine times. I Thank God for the car rides (just to get the twins to get out of the house because we couldn't go anywhere), to even running the stairs at my apartment complex for much needed cardio (which is a blog in itself! Lol). Ohh and I definitely can't forget to thank God for the numerous Jet Coffee drives blasting worship music as a quick (not so quick!) one hour mom get away.
Wearing masks may start to become a part of our daily routine but, I pray that we always put God where he needs to be... at the upmost! Front and Center! And, No, this definitely won't be an easy task to protect our loved ones of a deadly virus in such an open world now but, with God on our side we will be alright. Just the phrase "WE ARE GOING TO BE ALRIGHT" is exactly something someone needed to hear.
Many Blessings,