I love the song "Forever" by Jason Nelson and today it is on repeat!!
I cannot say that things immediately changed when they introduced us as
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Paul Harry Richard.
I think for the first year we each just kind of did our own thing and tried to mesh it together to make it work.
It took the other two years to develop a true partnership.
Putting the babies to bed and, then enjoying dinner is our usual routine.
Dinner is such a special time because we are finally able to relax after a long day of work.
Sunday evening was different.
Alex lost his keys.
I had just warmed my food and was grabbing a blanket to have a seat when I peaked out the window and saw him desperately searching for his keys.
How am I going to enjoy dinner while he is searching for his keys?
If we look for them together we will find the keys in no time.
We found the keys two minutes later.
Sunday evening was not about the keys.
It was about the partnership that we have built.
It takes work together.
Whenever one of the twins wake up in the middle of the night it is not about which one's turn is it to go and see what they need.
Even though Alex is usually the one to get up first..
Trust me two minutes later I am there helping.
People laugh when I say that I am the voice of our business and, he's the cook.
It works for us and, we do what works for us.
I believe God blesses husbands and wives with a given spouse to serve each other selflessly. If both parties are serving each other wholeheartedly then no one feels like they are neglected.
We grew together.
Alex graduated college. I graduated shortly after.
Alex got saved and, I got saved shortly after.
He's my bestfriend.
My business partner.
He's an absolutely amazing father.
He pushes me daily to be the best "Mompreneur" that I could ever be!
We are two totally different people with two totally different backgrounds joining together as one and striving to live for Christ in this crazy crazy world!
I wouldn't want it any other way!
Happy Anniversary!
I Love you endlessly!
Love, Kay