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Just a young woman striving to live for Christ in this crazy world, a wife, a mother of three, and a personal trainer.  TRAINING WITH TWINS serves as a vessel to project my passions, and to also clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me. Sit back, relax, and read on.. 

Home: Welcome

"But they that wait upon the Lord..."

So grateful. So grateful. So grateful. You deserve the glory. Currently singing... "Defender" by Steffany Gretzinger "And all I did was...

It is Finished.

In sign language the term for "All Done" is your hands lifted in an upward motion while twisting your hands back and forth. My daughter,...

Lord, I trust you.

I try my best to be as transparent as I possibly can. Someone shared their testimony a few weeks ago in a video and stated: "Lord make me...

Gabe & Gabby are Two!

My daughter has this new thing where she tries to look at us when we are not looking. Then, when we turn to look back at her she smiles....

Daughter of a King

So many "What-ifs", "What did he look like?", "What did he sound like?" So many stories that others have told me about him but, I...

I Do

I love the song "Forever" by Jason Nelson and today it is on repeat!! I cannot say that things immediately changed when they introduced...

The Adventures of Gabe & Gabby Part II

Twins.. Oh, they are something else! Gabby recently started speech therapy and, her speech therapist believes her speech delay could...

The Adventures of Gabe & Gabby

I am always questioned with, "What is it like to have twins?" The twins are my first babies so, I really have no comparison to anything...

Unshaken Faith

I remember this day. It feels like it was just yesterday. This day that I remember was 16 years ago to be exact. Hurricane Katrina. And.....

The fight after the fight

They didn’t talk about these days..... Just like they don’t talk about the days after you lose the weight and, now you are having to...

Kay, "Where's your nails?"

This morning was extremely tough. Maybe it's because of the accident... Maybe its due to Gabe's ct scan coming up this week.. Maybe its...

Happy Father’s Day

To the man that will give his absolute last to anyone that needs him; To the man that loves hard and expects nothing in return; To the...

June 19, 2021

Today was a lesson of not taking each day for granted. Today was a day to mend some much needed broken relationships. l learned today...

Why do I write?

To show you what inspires me... what changed me.. To show you how I get through.. how I got through.. To show you how great HE is.. and,...

Unexpected Outcomes

So what happens when things do not go as planned? Do we give up? Do we stop trusting God? Do we get angry at God? Do we feel like we made...

Take the picture.

A woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. - Proverbs 31:30 I wanted to take a picture of the twins and I when mommy was...

Just Wait.

But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary,...

It's "Ree-shard" not "Rich-ard"

Have you every had those moments where you wanted to hold back the tears because God was so good and His presence was overwhelming?! What...

Singing... You won.. You won.. You've already won!

This morning.. unlike any other mornings where I am trying to hold it all together.. I broke. Walking back alone after seeing four nurses...

Twenty six was learning... Twenty seven is growing...

As I was reflecting on my day today, the first thing that came to mind was Gabe's doctors appointment at Texas Children's. Due to Covid,...

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